Faith At Work

We Believe

Faith At Work Matters

We Believe

Faith At Work Matters

Religion is an essential diversity element that should be acknowledged and respected in the workplace. One's religious affiliation or non-affiliation is often a core aspect of an individual's identity; therefore, we recognize the importance of allowing everyone to express their beliefs and non-religious beliefs inclusively and safely.


Although often overlooked on the spectrum of diversity identifiers, religion can be just as significant to a person's identity as gender, gender expression, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, and other aspects of diversity. As organizations pursue culture transformation, we believe religion and faith should be integrated into the overall DEI approach to create inclusive spaces for employees of all backgrounds.

Faith at Work By The Numbers

As of 2020, 85% of the world's population practices religion or is connected to a religious affiliation.


  • Christianity - 2.38 billion
  • Islam - 1.91 billion
  • Hinduism - 1.16 billion
  • Buddhism - 507 million
  • Folk Religions - 430 million
  • Other Religions - 61 million
  • Judaism - 14.6 million
  • Unaffiliated - 1.19 billion

As the global data reflects, everyone is not of a religious persuasion. It's important to respect the billions of people who are unaffiliated with any religious practice or belief. This recognition is also an essential aspect of religious inclusion. 


At KEIRUS BY KJE, we support religious inclusion, which allows employees to acknowledge their religious beliefs and affiliations or choose to opt-out of any personal faith-based participation. As organizations create safe spaces for employees to be their authentic selves, we cannot exclude faith as an essential part of personal identity for some. 


A 2022 poll conducted by HarrisX for Deseret News found that 80% of business leaders agree that a good company culture encourages employees to express their faith.


As a firm, we acknowledge and celebrate DEI observances and various religious holidays on our social media platforms to model our inclusive beliefs.


Expressing faith at work requires care, and KEIRUS’ proprietary C.A.R.E. model reinforces the importance of appreciating diverse beliefs while respecting everyone's personal choices and perspectives. 

Bible Study Explores God's Love for Diversity and Inclusion

What does it mean for a Christian to support diversity, equity, and inclusion, and what does the Bible say about these topics? How can our words and actions promote inclusion? Find these answers and more through INFINITE The Power of Love.

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